Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby News

Less than 2 weeks left. Come on Raelyn, we are ready for you. I have been dilated 1 cm for almost 2 weeks now, so hopefully she will come before the due date. The doc has also said she is in a good position so I shouldn't have extra pressure on my back during labor. Yeah for that! Kev and I are definitely ready to have her in our arms. Feel free to come visit us. I will be off work for 3 months after she is born.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting! Do you know how effaced you are or what station the head is?
    We're praying for all three of you--just got back from prayer meeting at church and asked God to bless you and draw all three of you closer to him as a family. Family! Sounds good, huh? ;-)
